Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lookalikes: Thomas Paine and Martin Scorsese

Of course I pay attention during history class!


  1. J.D., I actually love Scorsese when he acts (especially in Taxi Driver and Quiz Show). Maybe Scorsese's performance as Paine can be his breakthrough performance?

  2. hahaha, i would have never noticed.

  3. The biggest question. How did you come across this comparison. It's a strange one, but pretty accurate.

  4. Piper - Paine has been the big star of my current school year. In English, we read The Crisis No. 1 and in history, we briefly studied Common Sense. And both pieces featured this particular picture of him and I just thought, "Wow, that dude looks a lot like Martin Scorsese!" So there's the story...

  5. you are unusually observant, marcy, which makes you an excellent movie critic.
